Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Why is the Familty Recreation Center Swimming Pool Temperature Set at 84 Degrees?

Q: Why is the temperature of the Family Recreation Center Swimming Pool set at 84 degrees? Isn’t that too warm for recreational and competative swimming?

A: Several years ago there was a debate between competing pool user groups as to what is the most desirable pool temperature for their respective activities. One group consisted of recreational and competitive lap swimmers that wanted the pool temperature to be 82 degrees while the other group was represented by aqua-size class members and therapy pool enthusiasts that wanted the pool temperature to be 86 degrees or warmer.

The City of Alamogordo facilitated several public meetings to allow each group the opportunity to present facts that support their positions concerning the temperature of the swimming pool. After hearing testimony and deliberating the evidence, the Community Services Advisory Board made a recommendation to the City Commission to set the temperature of the swimming pool at 84 degrees. The City Commission accepted the recommendation.
The temperature of the pool is lowered to 82 degrees when Alamogordo High School hosts competitive swim meets. Here is an interesting fact regarding the bubble environment that encloses the swimming pool. The ambient or air temperature inside the bubble must be equal too or slightly above the water temperature of the pool. If the ambient temperature of the bubble falls below the water temperature, condensation will occur inside the bubble environment, and it will actually rain!
If you would like to submit a question to be considered for "Question of the Week," please click on the feedback form on the City of Alamogordo Web Site and write Question of the Week in the subject line. The selected question will be posted on our website, and the author will be sent a City of Alamogordo lapel pin. Thank you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Surfing Into Summer Job Fair and Youth Program Information

Join us for the Surfing into Summer event at the Sgt. Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center on Tuesday March 11, 2008 from 3-6pm. This event will include: a pet adoption event, early sign-up for youth summer programs, a special visitor from the Alameda Zoo, and instant interviews for City seasonal employment applicants. This program is brought to you by the City's Community Services Department and the Personnel/ Safety Department. Free admission and free snacks. Lots of fun!

For information on interviews call 439-4399. For information on youth programs call 439-4142.