The Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Project is in Phase Four (4) of Six (6) towards the completion of the South Channel. Phase Four is nearing completion. The contractors are currently constructing the large Catch Basin at the mouth of Marble Canyon. I recently visited the site with Maureen Schmittle, Communication and Grants Coordinator who took these photos of the construction. The bottom photo shows the flood control channel looking northeast towards Marble Canyon. A bridge was constructed to allow hikers access to the Goat Springs Trail from Desert Foothills Park. Notice the ten (10) foot wide access trail on the side of the channel. Once complete, you will be able to hike or bike from Desert Foothills Park all the way to the future regional park that is being planned for development in the brownfield area (old city landfill) that is west of White Sands Blvd. and east of Lavelle Road.
The top photo is the catch basin that is being constructed at the mouth of Marble Canyon. Phases Five (5) and Six (6) will be constructed in the Mc Kinley Channel which runs north of Walmart and continues northeast adjacent to Mc Kinley Avenue and Thunder Road. The cost of the project is $51 million dollars. The City's match is 20% or 10.2 million dollars.