Alamogordo’s multi-purpose trail system is expanding. Community Services staff in the Parks Division recently began work on the newest section of trails which wind throughout City green spaces. The current section in progress is detailed to extend from 10th Street north to 14th Street along Washington Avenue. Parks crews are performing the preliminary grading in preparation for gravel base course and then a layer of asphalt. This section of the trail will be completed by March 31st. This is another outstanding facility brought to you by the City of Alamogordo Community Services Department and made possible by an annual budget dedicated specifically to the development of this multi-purpose trail system. When extended to Indian Wells, this one mile section will represent the final phase of the trail which links 1st Street to Indian Wells Road, between Washington and Oregon Avenues, and then Indian Wells Road all the way to White Sands Boulevard. The City would like you to join us in welcoming Erik Marion, Parks Supervisor, who is overseeing this project. He recently moved from Tulsa, Oklahoma were he worked for Tulsa Public Schools.
Alamogordo’s trail system will eventually be completely looped, and most major City services will be accessible by this pleasant and safe pedestrian path. These trails are all wheelchair accessible. Residents are invited to wheel, walk, bike, skate-board, rollerblade, or scooter along the existing 5.21 miles of City trails which are already completed or the additional 4.88 miles of trails which were provided to citizens in conjunction with the Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Project. The next phase of that Federal project will add an additional 2 miles of trail from the detention pond at Mountain View Middle School to the Desert Foothills Park.